How to Use TikTok & Reels for Musicians
"How to Use TikTok & Reels for Musicians" This workshop will walk musicians through approaches and strategies for utilizing TikTok and Reels effectively.
"How to Use TikTok & Reels for Musicians" This workshop will walk musicians through approaches and strategies for utilizing TikTok and Reels effectively.
Gigs are fun and can be an essential building block for a successful music career.
1. research: How do I find the right festivals / showcase festivals for me?
2. preparation:
Der Workshop "Dein 2024" bietet die optimale Bühne, um Deine (musikalischen) Ziele fürs neue Jahr Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.
Diese Workshopreihe ist eine tolle Chance innerhalb einer begleiteten 3 wöchigen Reihe, den Weg des kreativen Prozesses in einer Gemeinschaft zu durchlaufen.
1. Recherche: Wie finde ich die passenden Festivals / Showcase Festivals für mich
2. Vorbereitung:
A workshop from an artists perspective into the world of rights, what do we need to know and how do we enforce and protect our copyrights as creators online.
Limited space.
Wanna start looping but too afraid to start?