Workshop Music Board Application •• How to fund my project?
Do you have developed a musical project, and are ready to release it, but need financial support to release it?
Do you have developed a musical project, and are ready to release it, but need financial support to release it?
Do you want to live out of your music but don't know how? We hear so much doom and gloom today from people screaming that there’s no money in music except for the big major artists.
The World is A Prompt is a three-part, hands-on workshop about the art of lyric writing. It was designed around three core pillars:
Du stehst mit deinem Projekt in den Startlöchern doch es fehlt dir noch finanzielle Unterstützung für die Umsetzung? Du denkst über eine Förderung nach?
Creating is hunting.
This workshop deals with the topic of "release campaigns" and focuses on the visual and marketing aspects of a release campaign.
You've recorded your first songs - but what now?
Für AD(H)S und Autismus-Kreative, sowie für alle anderen Neurodivergenten gibt es bald ein Netzwerk: GRUPPE 24/7. Das Initiations-Treffen findet statt am Dienstag 9.
"How to Use TikTok & Reels for Musicians" This workshop will walk musicians through approaches and strategies for utilizing TikTok and Reels effectively.