Workshop Music Board Application
Do you have developed a musical project, and are ready to release it, but needs financial support to release it?
Do you have developed a musical project, and are ready to release it, but needs financial support to release it?
Do you want to live out of your music but dont know how?
We hear so much doom and gloom today from people screaming there’s no money in
This workshop will explore the evolution of record labels and their role in the broader music industry.
In diesem Workshop werden die rechtlichen Herausforderungen, die sich durch den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Musikproduktion ergeben, beleuchtet.
Freelancing and starting your own business in music and music industry
Intro: Want to promote your project but can't stand networking and don't know where to go or how to start?
Du bist bereits seit geraumer Zeit in der Musikszene aktiv, schreibst Songs, nimmst sie auf und hast vielleicht sogar schon Veröffentlichungen vorzuweisen?