Copyright & Digital Rights
Monday, 27 November, 2023 - 14:00
House of Music, Revaler Str. 99, RAW Gelände
35 €

A workshop from an artists perspective into the world of rights, what do we need to know and how do we enforce and protect our copyrights as creators online.
Exploring the big 3 topics Underlying Composition Rights, Sound Recording and Neighbouring Rights, a workshop for beginners and intermediate creators looking to organise & strategies a song portfolio.
Exploring the unique world of Digital Rights Management on YouTube, for music and visual media content.
Covering the topics of:
- Basics of Copyrights & Its types
- Registering with Societies
- Exploring Rights Management Partners
- Creation of Catalogue
- Managing your Metadata
- Leveraging Catalogue & Strategies.
- Asset Management
- Digital Rights Management on YouTube
- Eligibility on YouTube
- Copyright on YouTube
- Content ID
Beginners, Enthusiasts, Intermediate Level.
Date: 27th and 28th of November
2 pm