Meet ‘n’ Greet mit Berliner Kulturberatungsstellen
Wohin wende ich mich am besten mit meiner Projektidee, wer kann mir womit weiterhelfen? Wo finde ich Beratung zum Beispiel zu Tourneeförderung?
Wohin wende ich mich am besten mit meiner Projektidee, wer kann mir womit weiterhelfen? Wo finde ich Beratung zum Beispiel zu Tourneeförderung?
What are the possibilities and challenges for music from African countries in Germany in particular, but also in Europe overall?
Roskilde Festival in Denmark is the largest music festival in Northern Europe, with 130.000 visitors and 180 concerts spanning over th
You want to play a concert and are looking for bookings? How about organizing your own show? Maybe inviting others along?
Many young DJs dream of playing in clubs, living from their DJ gigs and traveling not only through Germany but also around the world.
You want to be professionally involved in the music business in any form, whether as an artist or on the business side? This is your call then.