SOLD OUT!! The fundamentals of getting your music heard by a record label

The fundamentals of getting your music heard by a record label
This workshop addresses one of the most important questions songwriters, producers and musicians ask themselves - what do I need to do to get my music heard? How can your art stand out from the crowd when looking for a label or a distributor?
Certainly, there are no guarantees of success or a secret recipe - but there are many aspects to consider to increase your chances of being unique in an industry that's overloaded with talent. With certain steps, you can ensure that a desired target group hears your music - be it label A&R, music distributors, booking agencies or just average music consumers.
Creative aspects, technical aspects as well as topics such as distribution and marketing are covered. Based on the topics and knowledge taught in this three-part workshop, you should be able to develop a basic strategy for the release of your music and achieve results.
3 Parts: May 15th, 16th and 17th - 2pm-5pm each
- Label Research
- Creating your demo - EP or album
- Track Selection & Flow
- Track Lengths
- How to submit a demo properly to label A&R and stand out among your peers
Production (All genres)
- What software do you need to maximize your sound?
- Recording instruments, vocals or making beats?
- Fundamentals of mixing - for digital and vinyl
- Preparing tracks for mastering - digital and vinyl
Post Production (All genres)
- Mastering
- Vinyl Mastering & Cutting, what is it and where to get it done
- Building a press pack - from writing to press shots
Distribution: Digital and Physical
- Physical - How to approach distributors with your music
1. Production & Distribution deals, what are they and are they worth it
2. Know how much to press and print with regard to the current market
- Digital - Finding the best outlet for maximizing the reach of your music
1. Preparing your digital files for distribution.
2. What is MetaData and why it’s important
- PR firm or DIY? The benefits of both
- Submitting your music for review - to where and to whom
Booking Agents / Or how to book your own tour
- How to prepare yourself before contacting a booking agency or promotor
- What to expect: Booking fees, Booking Percentages or Door Deals, which one is right for you
- How to approach clubs and promoters - networking
- Performance contracts: From flights to hotels make sure your basics are covered
- Riders: Making your out of town and in town performance as smooth as possible
The Basics of Publishing
- Which collection society should you register your work: GEMA, BMI, ASCAP, SACEM, et al
- Registering your work
- What is the difference between performing right royalties, mechanical royalties and sync royalties
- Publishing “deals”. What are they and what to expect
All attendees should leave with a basic understanding of the inner workings of the music industry. Have a working knowledge of demo preparation all the way to publishing. Have an informed view of the business side of music, and be confident in their approach to releasing music (labels or DIY) and touring (agencies or DIY).