Artist Meetup #2 - Links to Projects

Thanks to all of you who came to our 2nd Artist Meetup at Wilde Renate! Here, you find the links to all projects that have presented, so you can get in touch if you would like to collaborate or know more:
Matteo Tambussi - presented the Alphaville Audioblog.
Lee and Michal - presented their techno project Gradual. You can find out on their facebook page when the video, that they gave a preview of, will be released.
Max-Josef Zeller - presented his Audionaut soundsystem, a system for live surround sound performance.
Delphine Maillard - showed her new music video, which you can find on her website. She has her release concert on December 5th at Villa Neukölln.
Joe Kelly - talked about how to live sustainably as an artist in Berlin and showed a new video of his band Mother of the Unicorn. Find some of their music here.
Janos and Flo - showed a music video of their indie/rap project Anoki.
Aude Gouaux-Langlois - presented her music and her journalistic work.
Moran Magal - showed her music videos. You can check out some of the videos and upcoming gigs in Berlin here.
DJ Team: Tropical Timewarp