Many young DJs dream of playing in clubs, living from their DJ gigs and traveling not only through Germany but also around the world. After a few years of...
You want to play a concert and are looking for bookings? How about organizing your own show? Maybe inviting others along? At this Music Pool evening we want to...
You want to be professionally involved in the music business in any form, whether as an artist or on the business side? This is your call then. In this 2-part...
The workshop aims to give a broad introduction to booking tours in Europe and specifically in the German-speaking countries, with a step-by-step guide on: -how...
Music is becoming more digital every day. And Music Hack Day is the stage to experiment with its changes and develop ideas for the future of music. Your...
Working as a freelancer requires a great deal of self-organisation and knowledge outside of the work itself. Topics such as bookkeeping, invoicing, contracting...
The GEMA is still a mystery? You want to join the GEMA, but do not really know how it works and if it even makes sense for me? Topics: What does GEMA and who...
Music Pool Berlin Artist Meet Up x SRH Hochschule der populäre Kunste on the 25.4. 2017 at 8pm @HdpK Artist Meet Up #7. Where: HdpK : Potsdamer Straße 188,...
With Imogen Heap releasing "Tiny Human" in 2015 as the first song ever on a Blockchain platform, the technology's hype finally reached the music industry as...
It's sad to see artists work on their releases for a year or more and then have their work disappear from the media gaze in a matter of weeks, or possibly...