Wed, 31.05 ENGLISH WORKSHOP - Freelancing in Germany: issues, needs, possibilities

Working as a freelancer requires a great deal of self-organisation and knowledge outside of the work itself. Topics such as bookkeeping, invoicing, contracting and taxes are often overlooked elements of a project.
Do you find yourself wondering what the deal is with being self-employed in Germany?
Do you get confused between Umsatzsteuer, Mehrwertsteuer and Einkommenssteuer?
Is your health insurance exorbitantly expensive?
Do words such as Finanzamt, Kleinunternehmer and Steuererklärung make you feel insecure?
Join us for this workshop, get the answers that you need and discuss the issues you’re facing.
Lecturer: SmartDe
Price: 15€
Registration here.
Time: 6:15 pm