Releaseplanung, Strategie und Selbstorganisation *digital*
In diesem Workshop werden die TeilnehmerInnen eine Vorstellung der Dynamik und Synergien in der Musikindustrie erhalten.
In diesem Workshop werden die TeilnehmerInnen eine Vorstellung der Dynamik und Synergien in der Musikindustrie erhalten.
The increasingly popular streaming platform has become a must for digital publishing.
But how do you really make the most of it? Especially if you are a DIY indie artist?
In a collaboration between Music Pool Berlin and Amplify we aim to explore various models of releasing music, with a label or without.
Das DJing hat in den letzten Jahren, ebenso wie die gesamte Musikindustrie, bedingt durch die Digitalisierung, massive Veränderungen durchlaufen.
This summer edition of the Music Pool evening series brings together a panel of artist-run and boutique record labels for an exchange and sharing of experiences.
While it has become easier and easier to be a fully independent musician, the process of creating, recording, releasing and promoting your music (whether as singles or albums) can still be daunting
In todays competitive market, artists need to have an understanding of how the music industry works, what it wants and how to navigate it if they want to be successful.