Three Cities: International Commission together with Brighter Sound and Le Fil

Music Pool Berlin is delighted to announce Three Cities, a new international commission in partnership with Le Fil (Saint-Étienne) and Brighter Sound (Manchester).
This is a unique opportunity to collaborate with musicians representing two other international cities and creative organizations – Le FIL in Saint-Étienne, and Brighter Sound in Manchester. Together you will spend two days at Brighter Sound in February creating new music, two days recording at Le FIL, and three days at music industry events and performing at Music Pool Berlin in March.
The collaborating artists are:
Shunya for Brighter Sound in Manchester
Paillette for Le Fil in Saint-Étienne
Martha Rose for Music Pool Berlin in Berlin
The full schedule is as follows:
Brighter Sound, Manchester:
Tues 6 – Weds 7 Feb
Le FIL, Saint-Étienne:
Fri 2 – Mon 5 Mar
Music Pool, Berlin:
Mon 12 – Fri 16 Mar (live premiere in Berlin on Thurs 15 Mar)