Creative Writing - Hands-on Workshop

To attend this workshop an FFP2 mask (to meet up) as well as proof of a negative COVID-19 test(valid 24hrs), or proof of immunization (Vaccinated/Genese), masks required are obligatory. Testing option close to the House of Music or your home are here:
This is a workshop about different approaches to inducing flow in the process of writing. We will explore several tested techniques used by writers to circumvent the inner critic / self-editor. We will also explore perspective shifting, visual storytelling, activating different senses, synaesthesia, movie language, dramatic reversals, dream logic etc. as ways to refresh the approach to drafting lyrics. The workshop was designed to be hands on, ie. we will be spend most of it writing!
As of April 2021 This workshop will be IRL outside at the House of Music! Changes will be forwarded asap.