Daniel Haaksman

Few individuals can claim to have done so much for musical exchange across the globe as Berlin based jack of all trades, Daniel Haaksman. With the release of his 2004 compilation "Rio Baile Funk Favela Booty Beats" (Essay Recordings) he introduced the sound of Rios favelas for the first time to a global audience. From 2005 Daniel gave the sound of Rio De Janeiro its own platform and started his label Man Recordings, with more than 125 releases today considered the leading international label in tropical bass music. Together with his brother Felix, he runs Highscore Publishing, his own music publishing company. Daniel´s own musical output as an artist includes various albums, compilations, singles and remixes. As a DJ, he has travelled the world and played countless clubs, festivals and events. As a freelance music journalist he has hosted various radio shows and writes ocassionally for German dailies. Illustration (c) by Anje Jäger