Thursday: 27.08.2015 Music Pool Berlin Community Abend #20 @ Pop-Kultur

* Registration by email required - see infos below.
* Earlier start than usual - 16:30 - 20:00.
* Venue: Canteen of Bühnenservice Berlin, next to Berghain, Am Wriezener Bahnhof 1
The new Pop-Kultur festival brings established and new artists and protagonists of music culture and music business together - at the end of August in Berlin. The next Music Pool Community evening will take place at the Pop-Kultur festival and provides another opportunity to meet and talk to the local and international festival guests.
For the first part of the evening, or rather afternoon (4:30 - 6 pm) we have invited Glenn Max and Chris Sharp.
Glenn Max is the Artistic Director of Village Underground, a 720-capacity art centre in London and the founder/director of Convergence, a cultural initiative that celebrates the intersection of music, art and technology. Since the late 90's, Glenn Max has worked as concert producer and curator, first in New York, then in London, and has worked with many great artists - from producing Brian Wilson's comeback concerts, to working with David Byrne, Sonic Youth, Brian Eno or John Cale.
Chris Sharp is Contemporary Music Programmer at the Barbican Centre in London. After working with different record companies, Chris moved to the Barbican in 2008 to programme concerts and events. He has expanded the Barbican’s programme to include more electronic and audio-visual performances, worked with prominent figures like Nick Cave, Beck, or Patti Smith, and commissioned and presented music by leading living composers including Steve Reich, Philip Glass, or Terry Riley. He has produced orchestral concerts by artists such as Grizzly Bear (with the London Symphony Orchestra), Aphex Twin (with the Heritage Orchestra), or Chilly Gonzales (with the BBCSO). He has also brought musicians from all over the world to the Barbican.
We'll talk with them about their approaches to curation and concert production, about the special cultural field of commissioned works, and how they go about creating and facilitating conversations and encounters around pop-culture. It will also be interesting to hear their tips for local musicians and concert producers to organize their own shows, concert series and festivals.
At the reception, the second part (6 - 8 pm), you get the chance to mingle with the tutors and participants of Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs ( and get to know each other over a drink.
Due to limited capacity, you need to register for this event. PLEASE EMAIL TO ANDREA [at] MUSICPOOLBERLIN.NET, BY SUNDAY 23 AUGUST. Please only register if you plan to join the event for sure. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.
Free entry.
VENUE: Canteen of Bühnenservice Berlin, next to Berghain