Thursday, 06.08. Expert consulting music funding in Germany

Initiative Musik, Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Musicboard etc. -
There are many possibilities for Funding for projects, Tours, Production for Musicians etc.. But exactly is funded? What amount? and what requirements must I fulfill? In this Consulting session, you will be able to ask our funding expert Katja Hermes about your project idea and perhaps what funding body fits best.
Questioning it’s “fundability"? And see where you can make changes to better the application and bring it one step further towards getting the funding you need.
We recommend that to all those who already have concrete ideas about what kind of project they want funded, to bring this with you to the consulting session. If you have general questions about funding possibilities then we recommend our workshop Music Funding in Germany this coming June also with Katja Hermes from Sound Diplomacy.
Register for the limited number of places here.