Thu, 15.03. International Sound Residencies and Collaborations – Music Pool Community Abend + Live Concert

Place: Hangar 49 Holzmarktstr. 15-18, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Start: 7:30 pm
This evening features the public performance of the Three Cities sound collaboration project, which has brought together three musicians from Manchester, St. Etienne, and Berlin in February/March 2018. In three steps, working on new music together in Manchester, recording in St. Etienne, and performing in Berlin, the musicians Martha Rose (Berlin), Pailette (St. Etienne) and Shunya (Manchester) have come up with new jointly created music and we look forward to what it sounds like. Each of the musicians will also perform some of their own songs.
The talk brings together musicians for an exchange of experiences with international collaborations: collaborative projects, exchanges or residency programmes in different contexts. For one, we want to explore the different possibilities of applying for / engaging in such a collaboration. And also discuss what has worked and what didn't, and what kind of recommendations could be given to the institutions organizing those programmes, be they Goethe Institute, the European Union, or communal funds like Musicboard Berlin.
Andi und Hannes Teichmann, aka Gebrüder Teichmann
Johanna Amelie is a Berlin based indie artist, producer and multi-instrumentalist who plays folky indie music on international stages and festivals, sharing stages with local and international artists.
Martha Rose is an English songwriter and multi instrumentalist based in Berlin.
Allie, Florian Boss, is a Berlin based solo musician.
More here.