Thu, 06.12 Working as Session or Studio Musicians - Music Pool Berlin Community Evening

Place: Prachtwerk, Ganghoferstr. 2, 12043 Berlin
Time: 19:30
You want to play your instrument, you want a sustainable career in music, but maybe you are not interested to be in the front line all the time? What are the roles and responsibilities of a session or studio musician, how can you support a band and music project from the side, and even move it forward? What does the professional life of a session or studio musician look like? How do you find gigs? Where is your professional network? What are requirements and expectations for jobs? How do you define success and how can you work sustainably as a musician?
Professional side and session musicians David Anania (Blue Man Group Berlin) and Greta Brinkman (Moby, L7, Debbie Harry) discuss their careers as side players, changes in the industry, and tips for staying relevant and finding your own definition of “success”.
DJ Swango Fandango
Free entry, just come by. Music before and after the talk.