Mon, 17.08.+ Die, 18.08. Digital workshop •• WordPress & Blogging

This workshop is online!
How can I build a website with WordPress?
What do I have to pay attention to with regard to the DSGVO / DPO?
What are the best plugins and tools for the music industry and musicians?
How can I use WordPress best through blogging and content marketing?
Participants learn the most important basics and tips and tricks first hand. This enables the workshop participants to use WordPress with confidence.
WordPres/ Blogging 101:
What is WordPress. Where is the difference to other platforms like Squarespace?
Best Webhosting for WordPress
Cost control
How to easily build a micro website with WordPress
How to take care of the GDPR/DSGVO
Best Plugins und Tools
Updating WordPress/ Plugins the safe way
SEO (on-page) 101
Content Marketing for musicians
Website Analytics
Part 1 - 17th August 2020, 16-18h
Part 2 - 18th August 2020, 16-18h
Coach: Sara-Lena Probst