Music Pool Berlin Artist Meet Up x HdpK

Music Pool Berlin Artist Meet Up x
SRH Hochschule der populäre Kunste
on the 25.4. 2017 at 8pm @HdpK Artist Meet Up #7.
Where: HdpK : Potsdamer Straße 188, 10783 Berlin
Entry 7:30pm
Artist Presentation: 20 - 21:30 Uhr
After DJ & Drinks
Free Entry / No registration needed.
Our seventh Artists Meet Up offers a platform for musicians to share their music projects, get to know other and in the best situation, begin a working relationship and share their knowledge and talent!
8 Music projects (Band, Label, Studio, Producer, etc) will share their music and ideas on this evening and we hope each one uses the opportunity to connect to others like themselves that are also out there trying to make it in this world we call the “music business”, to get feedback from peers and a chance to ask for help with something you need or offer your services in exchange (Haben/Brauchen).
At the end of the presentations, everyone including audience can use the opportunity to speak with one another, exchange ideas and contacts over a drink. Please take the chance on community! You do not have to do everything alone! Mood music provided.
Would you like to participate at the Artist Meet Up? We have approx. 8 slots á 10 minutes including feedback and discussion with the public. You can show a new video, play us a new track or song (streamed over loud speakers) or perform live if this involves little set up and technical difficulty like singing, beats & rapping with playback, acoustic instrument, etc ..) please clarify when signing up. Please write an email to melissa (at) musicpoolberlin (dot) net by the 12th of April, 2017. The event is open for all artists regardless of genre.