Thu, 01.09 Music Pool Berlin Community Evening @ Pop-Kultur 2016: The Ins and Outs of Showcase Festivals

In a public conversation with James Minor, general manager of the SXSW Music Festival in Austin/Texas, we will find out how music programming for one of the largest showcase festivals works. James Minor coordinates a team of 7 music programmers who organize over 2.200 concerts during SXSW Music. Based on which criteria does the programming team make their choices out of vast numbers of applications each year? How is SXSW Music organized overall? What are specifics of a showcase festival (compared to any other music festival)? And what are tips for musicians who are interested in applying for and playing a showcase festival? And for musicians invited to a showcase festival - what are tips to make the best out of it?
Doors: 18:30
Talk: 19:00 - ca. 20:00
Afterwards: invitation to drinks and space to meet + talk at Vollgutlager
No registration needed. Free Entry.
Ganghoferstr. 3, 12043 Neukölln, Berlin, Germany