Meet our Tutor... this time: RAN NIR!
- Please introduce yourself to the Music Pool Community
My name is Ran Nir, I am 38 years old, I am a musician, producer and publisher as well as a family man.
I'm originally from Israel and I live in Berlin for the past 9 years.
- Describe yourself in 3 words
Hardworking, storytelling, hopeful.
- What is your new workshop about?
The workshop is an introduction to the music business, in it you will learn the different terms used in the industry, the different roles of music companies, and the way the money flows. Hopefully to you.
- Please explain to our community why they should book your workshop
I was building this workshop with the young me in mind, this is the kind of information I would like to have had when I was starting my career as a young musician. The music business is a complicated place and it is ever-changing, and fast! This workshop will help you see things clearly as you navigate in this world.
- How did you become a music business expert?
An expert is a big word, however I would say there are a few reasons why I am a good person to give this workshop:
- I have 17 years of experience as a musician and producer and 8 years from them are also as a music company owner as Management, a record label, a publisher and a booker.
- I am a person who is very interested in sharing and passing on my knowledge to more people in order to help them avoid my past mistakes and become better.
- I am very interested in the power imbalance and structures of the music business and am very much interested in trying to help shift the power from the music companies to the artists hands or at least to share it equally.
- I am one of the founders of Tzlilim, the Israeli musicians union. We established it in order to help change the industry from the inside and give support to the musicians.
- Why is the topic important?
There are many reasons why the topics we will be touching on are important to you, but to name a few:
- It will make you more knowledgeable in your field, which is something that musicians often underestimate, resulting often with bad consequences for them.
- It will give you tools to use in your day to day work as a musician.
- It will help you understand better how money is being made in the industry and perhaps how you could also make some if it :)
- What quote is the best source of inspiration for you?
A few good quotes that I take with me everywhere I go are:
"People used to make records, as in the record of an event, the event of people playing music in a room
Now everything is cross marketing.
It's about sunglasses and shoes, or guns and drugs.
You choose."
Ani DiFranco
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
RAN NIR is also a great musician, see one of his latest music videos here:
(C) picture credit: Nimrod Keren