ENG MUSIC FORUM BERLIN Funding, Education, Networking, Consultancy and Digital Tools SUPPORT Your Local Music Scene invites you, musicians and players of the...
Our fifth Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...
Find us here: Let the Music Play - Wo die Musik spielt Presented by: VUT Indie Days Donnerstag, 22.09 13:30 Uhr @Schmidtchen Speaker Anja Caspary, Head Of...
Our fifth Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...
Pretty easy or? Our expert Anja Thonig from Crowdfunding Campus gives you tips and tricks how to handle your crowdfunding campaign right. For example: How to...
Our fourth Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...
Our fourth Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...
The German tax system is pretty difficult even for a German. After many talks about the topic we finally will offer you another one of this expert consulting...