Mon, 16.10 Movement of Sounds: Distribution, touring and business of music from African countries in Europe + Meetup with a group of Ghanaian musicians

What are the possibilities and challenges for music from African countries in Germany in particular, but also in Europe overall? Music moves freely through digital networks; a track on Soundcloud uploaded in Lagos or Accra can inspire another musician in Paris and be played in a radio show in Berlin. Afrobeat parties are on the rise around Europe, and musicians take inspirations from a global repertoire so that styles inspire each other globally.
But what does the organizational and business side of music from Africa in Europe look like? When you want to release music in Germany, on an African or a German label? When you want to tour with your band in Europe? When you want to distribute and license your music in Europe? And, when you want to find collaborators over here, or just get attention by press or DJs?
Apart from organizing a panel with people who work with African music and artists in Germany and Europe, from a label, booking, media, promoter and DJ perspective – This Music Pool evening also wants to give all of you interested in cooperation with the Ghanaian music scenes the chance to meet a group of Ghanaian musicians, plus musicians from Germany/Spain/UK, that we are part in hosting in Berlin in mid October.
For Free. No registration needed.
Place: St. Georg, Ritterstr. 26, 10969 Berlin
Time: 7.30 pm