Music Pool Berlin and BLN.FM start with "Gefährliches Halbwissen" (dangerous superficial knowledge)- the guide for music, media and law questions

Berlin, January 13th, 2015, Music Pool Berlin, the central consulting place for musicians in Berlin and BLN.FM start the first radio programm, "Gefährliches Halbwissen" (dangerous superficial knowledge)- the guide for music, media and law questions, together. The programm will start on Februar the 2nd, and will be every first monday of the month and help musicians and media people all around Germany. BLN.FM Founder Tim Thaler will answer the questions, together with an expert from Music Pool Berlin as well as the Cologne based Lawyer for entertainment and copyright law Marco Erler( Lausen Rechtsanwälte).
"I noticed when I talk with friends and acquaintances about the topics of my lessons, I felt a lot of uncertainty and dangerous superficial knowledge of the music and media law. I'm happy to bring light into the darkness together with the experts from Music Pool Berlin and Marco Erler." says Tim Thaler, Founder of BLN.FM
"Over one year already we, Music Pool Berlin, answer questions all around the music business. Our expert pool is always growing and we try to find answers and experts for even the most difficult questions. We are happy to present our knowledge now also on air to a wider audience of the creativ scene." says Robert Witoschek, head of Noisy Academy and founding member of Music Pool Berlin
The Programm will start on Monday 02.02.2015 at 8pm. Questions can be ask live in the broadcast as well as send in via Email and left on the answering machine.
Number: 030 69202098 (at 8pm live or on the answering machine)
Mail: halbwissen [at]
contact person press Music Pool Berlin
Katharina Zegers | kathi [at] | tel. +49 163 716 72 52
contact person BLN.FM
Tim Thaler | tim.thaler [at] | tel. + 49 179 502 64 30