SOUND IT UP: and the winner is...

If you've followed our page this summer, you'll surely be aware that we launched a campaign to create a sound logo for our brand. On our last community evening, we took the chance to explore a bit deeper what soundbrandig is, how artists can exploit the more marketing oriented side of music to have commission work and make money of that, and how this later spot might also pose some issues in terms of ethics. Guests comprised our partner for the sound branding competition, Christian Mix-Linzer from Tracks & Fields, music supervisor Niko Floss and artist Queen Alaska.
But we know that all you want to hear is the name of the winner of the competion... and here we go: Ettore Carcano, a BIMM student, was the one who grasped the final prize! His unique mixtures of different music styles and background noises embodied perfectly the spirit of Music Pool Berlin. Well done Ettore!